Monday, February 28, 2011

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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All wallpapers displayed on have been collected from a wide range of resources, including but not limited to free websites, legal download sites, and other sources and are believed to be in the "public domain". We check the wallpapers before listing them on The Wallpaper Database, but there could be errors, because of the high number of free wallpapers we list daily.
We do not claim the ownership to the wallpapers listed on our website!
If you are the rightful owner of any wallpaper posted here, and object to them being displayed - please contact us and it will solve the problem as fast as posible.

Contact Us  using the form on the Contact page, with the direct link to the image and your cause for concern, whether it is your own wallpaper, you've created and do not wish to share or may it be something you might find explicit, obscene, inappropriate, etc.
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 <-------------------|| Our niche ||------------------->

This weblog hosts HD wallpapers, wallpaper, free wallpapers, the best wallpapers, wallpaper download, desktop images, desktop customization, desktop backgrounds, free graphics, wallpaper downloads, free desktop personalisation, high quality (HQ) wallpapers, High resolution wallpapers, HR graphics and more...
All images are free of charge and free to use!

The Wallpaper Database also hosts wallpapers of: Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Eminem, Jenifer Lopez, Beynoce, Miley Cyrus, Justin Beiber, Akon, Kristen Stewart, Kirsten Dunst, Other Celebrities and Actors, in many ways: Concert wallpapers, Videos Wallpapers, Animated Wallpapers, Topless Wallpapers, Nude Wallpapers, and others;


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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